online community with Shanine and Diana Rooted in Natura in meditation and contemplation

Soulful wellness

Online Community & courses

A space that is anchored in the practices of Tantra yoga, meditation, universal consciousness, ritual and rest, and communion with the wisdom of nature. Rooted in Natura offers online courses, trainings, as well as in-person retreats. Our programs nurture a sense of belonging, creativity, reflection, and empowerment that sow the seeds of transformation within.

Space to evolve on the journey from sense to soul.


Online courses and in-person retreats always include meditation. 

Restorative YOga

Space for you to rest and take time to take care of yourself. 

Tea Ceremonies

Tea ceremonies are a staple of in-person retreats, workshops, and events.


Ayurvedic principles help us find harmony within and with our environment.

Nature connection

Rooted in Natura always includes activities connected with the land, plants, and nature.


We offer activities to help us connect to our inner child and let our creativity shine. 

let’s get started

Online Yoga Trainings

Trainings that are stand-alone or can be apart of the Restorative Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Nidra Trainings, 200-hr trainings, and 300-hr trainings.

online course the brain and nervous system regulation for restorative training and yoga nidra
The Brain & Nervous System Regulation

Explore our extraordinary nervous system & how yoga plays a role in regulating us (especially rest).

* You can take this training as a standalone or as part of the Restorative Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Nidra Training.

online course on the koshas and gunas layers of being for restorative training and yoga nidra trainings
The Koshas & Gunas: layers of being

Dive into how rest influences the layers of being (Koshas) & explore the influences in life (Gunas).

* You can take this training as a standalone or as part of the Restorative Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Nidra Training.

online course the art of journaling
The Art of Creative Journaling

Whether you love journaling or don’t have time, this course will share why journaling as a ritual is wonderful for self-exploration, creativity, and self-care.

* Recommended for all of our courses and trainings.

The founders of rooted in natura

Diana and Shanine met at Shanine’s yoga studio in Burlington, ON. They studied Folk Herbalism together in 2021, this was when their vision of bringing nature and yoga together was born.

bio picture of Diana Lavadinho meditation retreats rooted in natura
Diana Lavadinho

Diana’s journey began in 2005 when she was first led to meditation to cope with grief. She has been exploring mindfulness and meditation ever since, and it has become the foundation of her daily life.

Over the years, Diana has practiced with various meditation communities from multiple traditions and added certifications in different modalities, including Holistic Studies and Reiki. Most recently, her studies have included Folk Herbalism. Living a life of union with body, mind, and spirit, and in harmony with nature has become her passion.

Diana has deep gratitude for the power of these practices to facilitate magnificent shifts. Her journey ignited a spark, and it is her sincerest aspiration to support and encourage others to explore life-affirming practices such as meditation. Integrating these technologies with daily life awakens our innate healing power and the ability to find a lasting peace already present within us.

bio picture of Shanine Dennill yoga meditation retreats restorative yoga
Shanine Dennill

After being touched by the death of family members at a young age, Shanine questioned the meaning of life and death. This led her to study with masterful spiritual teachers.

Shanine was introduced to yoga while studying massage therapy in 1999 (in South Africa). When she came to Canada in 2001, she fell deeply in love with it. She has completed two 200-hour yoga teacher trainings and a 300-hour yoga training, receiving her E-RYT 500 with the Yoga Alliance. Her yoga practices are influenced by Tantra Yoga (from the Sri Vidya lineage). She owned a yoga studio for 10 years, is a teacher trainer, meditation teacher, and Reiki practitioner. She completed her Folk Herbalism training, where connection with the Earth feeds her soul. 

Shanine has received extensive training in restorative yoga and yoga nidra. Giving ourselves time and space to slow down, nourish ourselves, and rest is deeply powerful and healing. It creates a sacred space to feel into what lights our soul, bring softness to our stored tension, and embrace the unknown.

Soulful nature & wellness retreats

Enjoy in-person retreats with us. These retreats offer a deep connection with nature that awakens the remembrance of our truest essence (Natura). They give you space to rest and take care of yourself, while not having to rearrange your life. They are close by and only half a day.

All retreats include a tea ceremony and plant connection, a creative activity, a restful practice (such as a fire ceremony or Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra), and a cleansing ritual.

rooted in natura

rooted in natura online courses and community with light shining